Folio institutional assets
Folio institutional assets

folio institutional assets folio institutional assets

How does an investor that aligns with your strategy differ from other investors? You may find there are multiple profiles of investor interested in your fund, in which case it can be helpful to create customer personas for each of these groups. It’s important that you know your customer and research their profile. If you haven’t prepared one before, not to worry, here are some areas you should consider. Your marketing plan will take elements from your business plan, but will include more detail on the channels to reach your prospective investors and keep them engaged.


Having that peace of mind will make you feel less inclined to scramble for short-term opportunities and give you a very clear indication of how to allocate your marketing spend. By creating a marketing plan that aligns with your business and financial goals, you can concentrate on the tactics that you know will grow your fund. One that takes advantage of these trends and digital opportunities to reach investors. However, these challenges can be overcome with a well thought out marketing strategy. Meanwhile, the product landscape for investors has diversified and become much more complex with the arrival of robo-advisors, investing apps and increased market regulation. Investors have the ability to conduct their own data analysis and are seeking better value funds with lower fees, driving behaviour to operate more efficiently and keep operating costs low. Asset management marketers are faced with a number of new challenges in the market.

Folio institutional assets